Friday 14 September 2012

14th September

For the first time since I started the challenge I've had two days off in a row. I intended on going out yesterday afternoon but just never got my backside in gear.

Today I wanted to cycle to the coast which is about 20 miles and I could then either cycle home again or get someone to bring my car and bike carrier down to meet me and take me home.

I set off into an awful headwind which made it really hard going and then the ascent through Corscombe was really hard and I just felt like I had no energy. Once at the top I then had a long steep downhill into Beaminster which was brutal! I could easily have beaten my top speed but I didn't feel comfortable freewheeling so I held on to the brakes. I still managed to get up a fair bit of speed even though I was pulling hard on the levers and I was worried about the brake cables snapping which would have meant trying to control a crash into the hedge! I'm sure experienced riders just go for it but I wasn't so willing. Thankfully I made it down safely and then cycled the rest of the way to West Bay. I stopped about 6 miles out and called the backup vehicle (Dad) to ask him to meet me there.

I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not attempting the ride home but I just didn't have the energy, I think I need to look at what I'm eating before I go out on my longer rides.

I still managed to do 20 miles which is the longest road ride I've done. The two longer rides have been on the flat railway path with no traffics which I prefer.

So we're two weeks into the challenge and all of us have done really well. Mum swam 64 lengths this morning which took her over the 50% mark and my ride did the same. Kimberly is just under 1.5 miles away from reaching her halfway point so it's we're all on schedule.

Here are the totals so far:

Paul has cycled 154.83 miles out of 300 (51.6%)
Mum has swum 10.72 miles out of 21 (51%)
Kimberly has run 38.66 miles out of 80 (48.3%)

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