Monday 10 September 2012

10th September

I'm playing in a golf match this afternoon so I just wanted to do a quick ride to keep me on my target average of 10 miles a day. Anything over 9 miles would do!

I started out on my usual route heading for Ham Hill but once I got to Odcombe I turned right to head back towards Yeovil. I decided to cycle the outer perimeter of the town which I knew to be about 11 miles as I've walked it once before a few years ago. Heading down the hill from Odcombe I put my head down and pedalled hard and managed my quickest speed so far of just under 30mph. I'm sure I could get more but I'm only on a mountain bike so that's not bad.

The rest of the route was fairly easy going and I stopped to say hello to my brother-in-law's parents as they were out cleaning their car as I passed Combe Street Lane.

Just under 12 miles done!

Totals so far:

Paul: 101.18 miles cycled (33.7%)
Mum: 5.93 miles swum (28.3%)
Kimberly: 27.35 miles run (34.2%)

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