Friday 21 September 2012

21st September

I wasn't planning on riding the bike today but I needed to go into town so I thought I might as well cycle then at least I'd get another few miles done. That's the first time this month I've used the bike for a practical purpose rather than just for eating up miles! Is this what healthy people do?

I cycled down Hendford Hill achieving my fastest speed so far of 33.8mph - more than 10% greater than the speed limit - I could get a ticket for that!

I met Mum in town and had a coffee then cycled to Tri-Uk to enquire about new break pads for the bike. Mine have become increasingly squeaky over the month but the bloke in the shop said I didn't need new ones but could probably decrease the squeak with a bit of adjustment and roughing up with sand paper. My bike is due a service as its never done so many miles in this short a period before!

From Tri-Uk I cycled the railway path to nine springs country park then decided to do a bit of proper mountain (sic) biking and come home through the woods. It's so different cycling on mud and gravel and carrying the bike up and down steps than on the road. Very tiring but a lot of fun. The trouble is the average speed is much lower and so the miles don't tick over as quick. As this challenge is about distance rather than time on the bike I'll stick to the roads for the rest of the month I think!

Just over 6 miles done in my little town trip today but as Tesco says "every little helps"... That reminds me I need to go to Tesco to buy a steak for tea - perhaps I should go on my bike?!?

I'll let you know later if I did...

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