Friday 28 September 2012

27th September

At the start of today I still had just over 35 miles left to complete my challenge. Mum was planning on finishing her final 60 lengths tomorrow morning so I decided to leave enough miles left so I could cycle whilst she swam and we finished more or less at the same time. I worked out that about 17 miles was about what I should leave so I set out to do my penultimate ride.

I did the East Coker/Dorchester Road loop (6 miles) then out to Odcombe and in to the coffee shop at the garden centre again to meet Mum (11 miles). I then cycled bits of the railway track and into town then home. I actually ended up doing just over 19 miles leaving myself 15.85 miles to the finish.

Kimberly went out for a run in the evening and was going to leave herself about 6 miles to finish which we thought she was doing on Sunday but she then let slip that she was plotting to do a long run this evening and get up extra early tomorrow and finish her challenge before Mum and I even started our final leg - sneaky! After some negotiation she agreed to leave enough miles to match the times of our final cycle/swim then the three of us would start at the same time and race to the finish line.

It turns out she ended up doing a Forrest Gump and just kept on running completing an amazing 10 miles leaving only 3.09 to do! I jokingly threatened to get on my bike there and then and do my final 16 miles and steal the victory but I didn't.

I sat at home waiting for Kimberly to post the GPS track of her ten mile run but the longer I waited the more convinced I was that she was out doing her last 3 miles! Eventually it appeared though and she hadn't been out again.

So there we were 60 lengths left for Mum, 3.09 miles left for Kimberly, and. 15.85 miles left for me. Even though Kimberly was adamant that she was going to start at a time which would match Mum and I in the morning I was sure she would get up and sneak the win and I'd never hear the end of it so I decided to employ my own sneaky tactics... Watch out for my next blog entry to find out what happened!

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