Monday 17 September 2012

17th September

I did 27 miles and a round of golf yesterday so I was a bit tired when I got up this morning. I had to go to Bath to collect my Mac Mini from the Apple store though so I couldn't not combine it with a cycle along the railway path.

Mum and Kimberly came with me so they could go shopping whilst I cycled then we would meet up for a coffee afterwards. I parked the car and sorted myself out and after collecting the computer I set off. The first couple of miles from Bath centre to the start of the railway path is along the canal towpath, I was only on it for a few minutes when a rat darted between two bushes. Rats always send a cold shiver through me ever since I was confronted by one as a child when I was on my paper round. Still, I was on a bike and he couldn't catch me if he wanted to so I was ok!

I managed to keep a good pace all along the path today, I am definitely feeling a lot stronger in my legs than when I started this challenge. About 4 miles in I suddenly realised I hadn't put a parking ticket on my car but I was to far to turn around now so I carried on. Although my speed was good, I felt tired and so instead of going all the way into Bristol I stopped at a picnic bench after 12.5 miles and had a granola bar. I decided to head back rather than complete the rest of the path as it would still mean a ride of 25 miles which is only 4 or 5 less than if I'd gone all the way.

I got back to Bath and met up with Mum and Kimberly and had a welcome cappuccino. Luckily I hadn't got a parking fine when I got to my car but I put a ticket on anyway before having the coffee. Today's ride of just over 25 miles has taken me over the 200 mile point so I'm well ahead of schedule to complete my 300 by the end of the month. Mum put in a great 80 lengths this morning in her quickest time yet and Kimberly will be running with the club tomorrow.

I'm having a couple of days off from the bike but will probably go out again on Thursday.

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