Saturday 28 September 2013

Two days to go!!

I've been a bit slack with my blogging this year, my intention was to write an entry after every ride but somehow it hasn't turned out like that.  Most of my posts have covered several days and this one is no different!

When I last posted I had just over 148 miles to go having slipped behind because of a heavy cold.  This week I went out on Tuesday evening for an uneventful 31 miles following a route I've done before out through Martock to Langport and back again.  I felt like I could have done more but the evenings are drawing in fast and it was too dark.

Thursday, Friday, and today have all been morning rides before work (and golf today).  I find it very difficult to get myself up and out but with the amount of miles I still had to go I pushed myself and got on with it.  It's amazing how productive I've been at work afterwards though, morning exercise doesn't half get your energy up for the day!

Thursday I did just under 18 miles and yesterday I did a different route than I'd done before which was just over 20 miles.  At one point I was climbing up a medium incline and the road was getting very muddy from a tractor that had obviously been out before me.  I had to change right down almost onto the granny gear and as I was pedalling the rear wheel started to spin because of the mud!  That made it even harder to get to the top!

Today I had a game of golf arranged for 9:30 but as I still had about 78 miles to go I thought I would go out for a few miles.  I set my alarm for 6am with the intention of getting on the road before 7am when it was just about light enough.  I checked my tyres as I normally do and the front one was feeling a bit soft so I pumped it up and set off.  It was raining but only very slightly so I wasn't getting too wet but as I was passing  farm out near East Coker I was riding though what was obviously wet cow crap and it was flicking up off the front wheel and hitting me in the face and mouth!  Nice!  I headed out towards Ham Hill on a loop that would have given me about 20 miles but after about 11 miles I could feel that the front wheel was softer on the bumps in the road so I pulled over to find that it was losing air again.  I aborted the ride and headed home to fix the puncture and get ready for golf.  I found the hole in the inner tube and a tiny sliver of glass poking through the tyre was the culprit!

Today's aborted 13 miles means I have now reached just under 335 miles with 65 or so to go!  I might do a few more later but will definitely be heading out tomorrow for a longish one.

Mum has had some extra long swims this week and two swims today so by the time she gets out of the pool (she is there now) she will have just two hours to go in the last two days.

Jon has commuted a couple of times this week and is currently sitting at just over 344 miles with about 56 to go.  He has gone down with a cold though so the last two days of the challenge will be tough!

Tom continues his march towards 600 miles with 100 miles this week and another 32 today.  535 down, 65 to go!

Donations have been coming in and the total now sits at £1,450 for PROSTATE CANCER UK.  Fantastic amount!

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