Sunday 22 September 2013

10 days and no blog, have you missed me?!?

This is the first blog entry I've written in 10 days, time to bring you all up to speed.

Last Sunday Kimberly was off to Bristol to run in the half marathon which was the climax of her September Sweat Challenge.  The family went to support her but I wanted to combine it with a bike ride so I drove to Bath and then cycled the 15 or so miles to Bristol along the railway path, watched the race, and then cycled back to my car.  Kimberly had a fantastic race beating her last half marathon time by over 10 minutes and she ran the whole race without stopping or walking.  She even said she ran on the spot while grabbing a drink at one of the water stops!  A fantastic effort.

After Sunday's ride I had completed 190.1 miles but was lagging behind Jon on 201.2 and Tom on 205.4.  We were still all well and truly in the race to 400 though but what a difference a week makes!!

This last week has been really slack for me with only one ride of 32.8 on Wednesday evening then today I cycled to the golf club and back on my mountain bike (7.3 miles) and have just got back from a ride on my road bike of 21.6 miles.  I played golf on Thursday evening and during my round I started getting that feeling in my throat where you know you are coming down with a cold.  It has steadily got worse over the weekend but I knew I had to get some miles done so today's 29 miles were just a gentle one to see how I felt.  It means I've got a tough week ahead of me as I have 148.2 miles left to do in 8 days!  That's only just over 18.5 a day though - easy!!!

Jon's week has been much better with rides on Tuesday (20.9), Thursday (21.4), Friday (a fantastic 47.7), then a quick 13.3 today.  This means that Jon has completed 304.5 miles leaving him just 95 and a half miles to do.  Good work sir.

Tom has had the best week though (show off) and has completed his challenge to be crowned the winner of the "first to 400" race!  Rides of over 40 miles a day (commutes to work and back mainly) on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, combined with a finale of 29.9 today has taken his total to 402.4.  Well done Tom, thanks for joining in our challenge, and thanks for helping to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK!  Now let's see if you can make it to 500 miles by the end of the month!  There's a few beers in it for you if you get to 600!!  No chance...

Mum has been away for a few days this week and so missed her swim on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday but she has made some of it up with long a long swim yesterday, and two swims last Saturday but she still has 2 and a quarter hours to make up on top of her normal hour a day.  I think she is doing a fantastic job and should easily reach her target of 30 hours.  I must say, swimming up and down, up and down, must be very repetitive so credit where credit is due!  At least I get to see a bit of scenery whilst I am out on the bike as well as swerving around pot holes, drains, and road kill!  Just today I very nearly breathed in a load of feathers as a car in front of me hit a pigeon! It wasn't a full on splat just a glancing blow and the pigeon was left stunned in the middle of the road right in my path so as well as holding my breath to avoid the feathers I also had to swerve around the dizzy bird!

The fundraising has been going very well and at the time of writing we are up to £1,223 all in aid of Prostate Cancer UK!  I'm so happy with the response we have had from people and I do hope they haven't felt coerced into sponsoring us!  I'm not shy when it comes to asking for money for charity!

On that note, if you are enjoying my blog and would like to sponsor us then please trot along to and in the words of Bob Geldof, "give us your f***ing money!"

Ok, that's you all up to date...

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