Tuesday 20 August 2013

New year, new challenges!

Wow has it really been nearly a year since we did our last set of challenges?  Yes it has!  I'm pleased to say we raised over £1,600 for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity last year and we're aiming even higher this year!

My Dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and had it removed back in 2011 which wasn't without its own complications but thankfully he is now cancer free.  This year we are going to be raising money for Prostate Cancer UK which funds valuable research in this area and helps men with information and after care.

My challenge is to cycle for an average of 1 hour a day - every day - in September and my Mum (who's 69 don't you know!) will be swimming for the same amount of time!  My sister Kimberly will be training for and running in the Bristol Half Marathon by running 5 times a week!  Her challenge starts now because the race is half way through September so please show your support.

I'll be blogging about our progress here and updating Facebook so I look forward to your support.

You can sponsor us by going to:  www.justgiving.com/septembersweat2013/

Thank you.

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